So excited! I got a fit bit yesterday for Christmas! If you dont' know what a fitbit is.. (most people probably don't) it's a really awesome pedometer; activity monitor thing, that keeps track not only of hose many steps you've taken, but also how far you've walked; how many flights of steps you've climbed, calories burned... and ont he web site it helps you track your calories so you can eat healthy and lose weight, It even measures your sleeping patterns to see how efficiant your sleep is.
It's only mid-afternoon, and I'm watching my movement like a hawk. It's amazing how much I don't move when I'm at work. I sit at a desk from 8 am to 5 pm, with a short break for lunch, where I go sit int he back and read. Really great exercise. but at least now I can keep better track of it. The fitbit also has an incredibly easy website, where you can measure calorie intake vs burnt (the fit bit does that part of it).. and you can actually logically understand the whole "calories in calories out" point of weight loss and fitness.
I can't wait to get home tonight and get on that treadmill, just to see how I do on my graphs! I'll see if I can figure out how to post a picture of the web site or the app... I highly recommend it, even though I haven't had it a full day yet.
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