Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Challenge 33

I turned 33 yesterday.

I put a lot of thought into my very first sentence on my very first post in my blog would say and it boiled down to the thought that has been obsessing my thoughts for the past 48 hours.

Thirty Three. {{Sigh}}

Shit.. How did that happen?

In thirty three years I have accomplished much in my life that I'm proud of. I'm a daughter, a sister, and a wife. My grandest accomplishment in 33 years; I am a Mommy. My daughter is my LIFE. 

In thirty three years, I've probably lost and gained over 200 lbs. I've used Weight Watchers, Low carbs, Counted Calories, followed my own plan... but I've always gained it right back. However much weight I've gained and lost;  I've pretty much always been out of shape.

Hearing the number "33" I declared it would be different. A challenge. I plan on taking a new approach to "losing weight"; and instead intend on focusing on "getting fit".

I plan on doing so by becoming a runner.

In thirty three years, I've never truly 'ran" anywhere other than to catch a plane once in Detroit, that I DID in fact catch, only to throw up while sitting on the runway shortly there after from the exertion.

I've watched other runners with awe and envy over the years; and it's time I join them instead of just cheering from the sidelines, silently cursing myself or finding excuses as to why they could do it, and I couldn't.

The title of my blog is an expert from a song by Mary J Blige, "No More Drama".  It it's entirety, the quote states: "I don't know, only God knows where the story ends for me. But I know where the story begins. It's up to us to choose whether we win or lose; and I choose to win". 

This quote touches home with me; as it's the damn truth. No one forces us to make the decisions that we make, I'm tired of falsely believing that others are responsible for my physical (and emotional) being. So as with 32, I'm done.

In my Thirty Third Year; I've chosen to Win. I've chosen to be an inspiration to my daughter, and to anyone else who needs the inspiration to change their life.. whether it is at 33, 23, 43, 53.. you follow me?.

This blog is the first tool in my challenge to success and victory.

I invite you to follow me, encourage your comments and feedback; and watch me evolve on my journey moving forward to Thirty Four..

After all, I'm only I'm 364 days away.

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