Friday, March 8, 2013

270 Days and Weighing

This morning my weight was as it was yesterday morning, 185.2... which is saying something cause I had pizza for dinner last night!

I had my husband snap this picture of me this morning quickly.. Sorry about the mess behind me, you can tell I have a 4 year old daughter.

I'm very proud that I'm doing this well and I'd like to continue on my path. I still suffer from the destructive thinking that I had before..

"I've been here before and gained it all back"
"All it'll take is a few bad days and it'll all pack on again"
"I may have the confidence now, but I'm sure I'll fall off again."

These thoughts are poison... and I need to rid myself of them.

I keep telling myself, "When you see 189 you'll feel better." ....

"When you break 10 lbs, you'll feel better"....

Now it's "when you see 179, you'll feel better."

But the thing is, I already DO feel better.. cause I'm in the zone.. and I'm DOING it. That's the best I can say. At least I'm doing it.

I haven't exercised. I'm guilty of that lazy habit. I am also guilty of making sad excuses. "If I exercise the muscle and water retention will prevent me from losing.'... Stupid right?

That'll be my next big challenge, but right now I'm aiming to break 180. It's been such a long time since I've done that, that I'm hoping it'll give me some nice motivation. The lowest weight I've been since the birth of my daughter was 168. This was July of 2011. Since that fateful summer, I've been on an up-hill spiral that I finally feel I may have the motivation, confidence and momentum to surpass and NOT quit.

I have 3 more weeks until I have a vacation in SC and TN.. And I'd really like to be in the 170's by that time, so I can try to keep my motivation going to not "lose myself" in "Vacation mode" as I usually do.

But this is not a diet, it's going to have to be my new way of life.. and I'm in it for the long haul.

Thanks for listening!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

10.4 down, but who's counting

It's been a while since I've posted, my apologies. In the past month of my absence, I've done rather well, actually. I tipped the scale again on Feb 4th at 195.6; and decided to take a different approach than I have in the past; and that is strictly counting calories.

And in the past 32 days, I've lost 10.4 pounds... That's averaging just over 2 lbs a week!  I didn't do it in 2 lbs a week, my first week was a nice 5 lbs week, but I was able to keep going without giving up and get another 5 off!  So here I am, 185.2, and still ramped and ready to go.

I don't have a photo yet, but I will ask my husband to take one of me tomorrow, and I will do my daily count tomorrow as well. I am still on track to finish my Challenge 33, and if I continue to lose as I have been, I shoudl make my goal of 60lbs maybe just around my deadline of my birthday. It beens like such a long term goal ahead, but in all honesty it's only 49.6 lbs away now!

That's still a hell of a lot of weight, but it's great to see that nuimber drop below 50. I'm hoping to ahve aother great dinner tonight and see the number on the scale drop again tomrrow.

I will keep you updated on my progress from here on out.. I really want to keep a photo log for myself, as I can't see the difference yet. Other have told met hat theycan, but I think it'll be a while until I see it for myself, and I now these photos will be a huge help!
